
Agreement For Individual Volunteer Service Purpose

The purpose of the Agreement is to outline the responsibilities of Table to Table in providing volunteer opportunities and to create an understanding between the organization and the volunteer. This Agreement shall apply to persons voluntarily performing non-compensated services for Table to Table.

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Volunteer Agreement

Volunteer Agreement

  • Agreement for Non-Compensated Services
    I herby volunteer my services to Table to Table. I agree to abide by all relevant policies and procedures and to perform the volunteer services in a safe, responsible manner in accordance with the descriptions of service. It is further understood that this Volunteer Handbook and Agreement shall not in any way constitute or create an employer/employee relationship between Table to Table and the volunteer. Table to Table shall not be responsible or liable, nor shall the applicant be eligible to receive, any compensation or benefits as a result of this Agreement. I have entered into my volunteer relationship with Table to Table voluntarily and acknowledge there is not a specified length of volunteering. Accordingly, either Table to Table or I can terminate the relationship at will, with or without cause, at any time. Although some or all of the policies and procedures may have been explained to me verbally, I understand that it is my responsibility to fully read and comply with the policies contained in this handbook and any revisions made to it.

    Please check to initial each line stating you have read and understand these terms.
  • Termination:
    I understand that Table to Table or I may terminate this agreement at any time without cause, and that I am volunteering my services at will and may be asked to discontinue such without prior notice or reason.

    Waiver & Hold Harmless:
    I am fully aware that the work associated with being a Table to Table volunteer involves certain risks, including, but not limited to bodily injury from lifting or driving. Being fully informed as to these risks and in consideration of my being allowed to participate in Table to Table’s volunteer program, I hereby assume all risk of injury, damage and harm to myself arising from such activities. I also hereby individually and on behalf of my heirs, executors and assignees, release and hold harmless Table to Table, its directors and officers, employees and agents and waive any right of recovery that I might have to bring a claim or a lawsuit against them for any personal injury, death or other consequences occurring to me arising out of my volunteer activities.
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